The Jews yesterday proclaimed in Tel Aviv the new State of Israel. It was formally recognised last night by the United States. In Jerusalem firing began as soon as the Army and the police left and increased steadily as the Jews began to take buildings in the central zone and to hoist the Zionist flag on them. The High Commissioner, General Sir Alan Cunningham, left Jerusalem yesterday morning for Haifa, where he embarked without incident on a British cruiser which left at midnight for Britain. Although the Arab countries are still full of rumours of military preparations, no facts are yet available. Martial law has been declared in the Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt, and the Egyptian Premier, Nokrashy Pasha, has been appointed military governor of the country. In a broadcast at midnight he said: Orders have been given to the Egyptian armed forces to enter Palestine, with the object of restoring security and order in that country and putting an end to massacres perpetrated by terrorist Zionist gangs and against humanity. An Egyptian Government newspaper in a special edition issued late last night said that two Egyptian columns were advancing into Palestine on a wide front. They are said to have occupied a point inside Palestine about thirty miles south of Rafaa, which is the coastal frontier town. All this area is part of the Arab State under the partition plan and they will thus meet with no opposition at present.